This is really good timing actually. I was speaking with Jon about this very thing at about 11am today, based on recent conversations we've had with you over the last few weeks. It was actually on my task list to email you again today to discuss this. I know that QRpedia is on the agenda for tomorrow's WMUK Board meeting and believe Fae has been in touch with you, too.

If you feel that there's a hold-up at our end, please do drop me a line off list and I'll do what I can to help take things forward.


On 10 May 2013 13:53, Roger Bamkin <> wrote:
Well congratulations Andy - good to see that you are just getting things done.

The recent board agenda indicates that they have no one assigned to the task that Geni feels is important. It looks as if they are still struggling with this as they haven't spoken to me about it since February. Obviously that is disappointing given the fuss that was made about it.

Anyway much more importantly I really enjoyed the backstage pass that you set up in Burnley. It was great to see dozens of unfamiliar faces with people from the museums working closely to create new articles. I see that ClemRutter has done some great work loading up images etc. The Queen Street Mill was a real find and I was chatting with people from nearby museums and museum trainees who seemed interested in finding out what was possible using Wikipedia.

Walsall looks interesting too and we are planning a trip to come and see what can be done. I also cannot resist telling you that Gibraltar now has 400 new articles in English making 900 articles overall. I'm particularly pleased with the support we get locally both in Gib and in the UK.

So well done .... again

On 10 May 2013 07:51, geni <> wrote:

On 9 May 2013 21:24, Andy Mabbett <> wrote:
I'm pleased to announce that The New Art Gallery Walsall:

where I am currently Wikipedian in Residence, today began to deploy
QRpedia codes alongside a number the artworks in their collection.

Given that a whois search still doesn't show as assign to WMUK I would describe that move as unwise.


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