> How do you wish to handle Article 27 in the Articles of Association,
> regarding the requirements for someone to stand for election to the
> board? If people won't be made members until immeadiately before the
> meeting (which seems reasonable), they won't be able to nominate
> themselves in writing, as is required. The simplest way round that
> would, I think, be for you and the other directors to commit to
> recommending anyone that wants to stand. It's just a technicality,
> really, but it's one that needs to be addressed.
Perhaps those that know for definite that they will be attending the AGM
and standing for one of the seats may provide a letter saying nothing more
than the fact they have the intention of standing for one of the directors
positions although for now not to specify precisely which seat they maybe
standing for. Final details can be finalised via the list. I would suggest that
there be a deadline for which people need to finalise what role they want.
Could I also clarify that there will be 4 positions that will be required to be
voted on? These positions are as follows: Treasurer, Chair, Secretary and
lastly Membership.
Thank you
Joseph Seddon

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