Hi all
The Foundation's Brand Project Team has announced new dates for the naming proposals feedback. Next week the Live Naming Presentation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3zlBGHHHiY will be on YouTube, Tuesday 16th June at 15:00 UTC https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Brand+Naming+Presentation&iso=20200616T15&p1=1440&ah=1 (4pm BST).
We will be holding a UK community feedback meeting on *Wednesday 24th June, 1-2pm,* for which I will send a video conference link next week. Again, this meeting is not to decide whether Wikimedia UK should adopt the rebrand, but to discuss the different naming proposals and measure them against the survey questions. The rebrand will not apply to projects such as Wikimedia Commons, Wikidata, or WikiJournal of Medicine, it is only for affiliates such as chapters and user groups who are using the Wikimedia name and logo.
The survey questions are now on meta https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Communications/Wikimedia_brands/2030_movement_brand_project/Naming_convention_proposals/Survey_text. While the proposals will not be posted until the 16th, reviewing the questions can help you plan your feedback.
Upcoming dates
Live Naming Presentation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3zlBGHHHiY on Tuesday 16th June at 15:00 UTC https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Brand+Naming+Presentation&iso=20200616T15&p1=1440&ah=1 . We will present the various options that were considered, the risks and rewards of each, and how the process arrived at the three options for review. -
*UK community feedback* on Wednesday 24th June at 1-2pm BST. Video conference link to follow. -
Feedback providing period: For affiliates and individuals from 16th - 30th June 2020.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Best wishes Katie
On Thu, 7 May 2020 at 09:47, Katie Crampton katie.crampton@wikimedia.org.uk wrote:
Hi all
The Brand Project Team has postponed today’s live presentation of the naming proposals due to trademark concerns, more info here https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Talk:Communications/Wikimedia_brands/2030_movement_brand_project?fbclid=IwAR0kBKCt4cElMDxZrZkTYSoIfintMZZGqgy1Wbp5Ei2ef81BJGkMbTT2lEY#Rescheduling_Naming_Convention_Proposal_community_review. Therefore Wikimedia UK will also be rescheduling our feedback meeting on 14th May. The Brand Team is meeting with the Foundation’s Board of Trustees on the 22nd May, after which I hope we can set a new date for our feedback discussion.
Do let me know if you have any questions.
Best wishes
On Tue, 5 May 2020 at 11:50, Katie Crampton < katie.crampton@wikimedia.org.uk> wrote:
Morning all
As some of you will already know, the Wikimedia Foundation is currently exploring whether or not it should rebrand. The impetus for this is the 2030 movement strategy, and the objective of better communicating who we are in order to attract billions of new users into the movement.
Phase 1 of the rebrand has been completed, which resulted in the creation of the design concept of ‘Interconnection’. You can watch the concept presentation here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xS72O6Si94Q. The branding team are now in Phase 2, which focuses on potential new naming conventions for the Wikimedia Foundation (and potentially other organisations within the movement). The naming convention proposals will be released for movement-wide feedback via a live YouTube presentation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfJAZEkDVIY from the Foundation’s branding team this Thursday 7th May at 6pm BST.
Wikimedia UK will be holding a video conference on Thursday 14th May at 1-2pm to gather feedback on the proposals. The discussion will focus on how well each naming proposal fulfils the six branding objectives https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Communications/Wikimedia_brands/2030_movement_brand_project#The_qualities_of_good_Movement_branding as defined by the Wikimedia Foundation. You can give feedback directly in this meeting - either verbally or in the chat - or on this page on Meta https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Brand_Network/Wikimedia_UK. If you have any questions or would prefer to give feedback by email, please contact me at katie.crampton@wikimedia.org.uk.
We are currently working on the agenda for this hour long meeting, in which we will summarise the current status of the branding project and the proposed new naming conventions, and facilitate feedback from participants. The meeting will be taking place on Zoom so please use the following meeting link:
Wikimedia branding meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84923705171?pwd=dXBaRTZXbTNQVDJianlxb0xZL3U5Zz09
Meeting ID: 849 2370 5171
Password: 916100
Wikimedia affiliates https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Brand_Network, such as chapters and user groups, will have the option of whether to opt in to the new brand and change their own organisational names. However the meeting on 14th May is not to decide whether Wikimedia UK should rebrand, but to discuss the risks and rewards of each naming proposal. We will collate your feedback into a form and submit this to the branding team by the deadline of 21st May. If you’d prefer to give your feedback as an individual there will be a seperate form available.
We want to create a friendly space for discussion to ensure we’re hearing from as many voices in our diverse community as possible. If you have any questions prior to the meeting, please get in touch.
Best wishes
Katie Crampton
Communications & Governance Assistant
Wikimedia UK
+44 (0)203 372 0761
*Wikimedia UK* is the national chapter for the global Wikimedia open knowledge movement. We rely on donations from individuals to support our work to make knowledge open for all. Have you considered supporting Wikimedia? https://donate.wikimedia.org.uk
Wikimedia UK is a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England and Wales, Registered No. 6741827. Registered Charity No.1144513. Registered Office Ground Floor, Europoint, 5 - 11 Lavington Street, London SE1 0NZ https://maps.google.com/?q=5+-+11+Lavington+Street,+London+SE1+0NZ&entry=gmail&source=g .
Wikimedia UK is the UK chapter of a global Wikimedia movement. The Wikimedia projects are run by the Wikimedia Foundation (who operate Wikipedia, amongst other projects).
*Wikimedia UK is an independent non-profit charity with no legal control over Wikipedia nor responsibility for its contents.*
Katie Crampton
Communications & Governance Assistant
Wikimedia UK
+44 (0)203 372 0761
*Wikimedia UK* is the national chapter for the global Wikimedia open knowledge movement. We rely on donations from individuals to support our work to make knowledge open for all. Have you considered supporting Wikimedia? https://donate.wikimedia.org.uk
Wikimedia UK is a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England and Wales, Registered No. 6741827. Registered Charity No.1144513. Registered Office Ground Floor, Europoint, 5 - 11 Lavington Street, London SE1 0NZ https://maps.google.com/?q=5+-+11+Lavington+Street,+London+SE1+0NZ&entry=gmail&source=g .
Wikimedia UK is the UK chapter of a global Wikimedia movement. The Wikimedia projects are run by the Wikimedia Foundation (who operate Wikipedia, amongst other projects).
*Wikimedia UK is an independent non-profit charity with no legal control over Wikipedia nor responsibility for its contents.*