Please read what i wrote about 10 minutes ago.
Let me suggest the most viable solution. It may be advisable to allow public logging,
but I highly doubt that people are going to read pages and pages of text and look
through logs that could be hours of conversation, depending on the activity in the
channels. The suggestion i would like to make is to have continuous logging of the
channel. Then as and when discussion occurs, a note can be left on the meta page
stating briefly what was discussed and if anything come from that discussion. Logs
can then be requested on that discussion as and when it is needed. We could get
a bot to do the logging and then simply have someone call up the logs as and when
is needed.


> Date: Tue, 9 Sep 2008 15:50:31 +0100
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Wikimediauk-l] Decision making
> > 2) Decisions concerning the day-to-day business of the chapter, which
> > are typically made by the board (or an executive subset of the board)
> > without requiring input from the members of the chapter. Logs aren't
> > helpful here, because decisions may be made internally by the board
> > members (although an explanation might be requested by the community).
> It may be useful to publish logs of board meetings, at the very least
> detailed minutes should be published (redacted if necessary). It's
> essential that minutes are taken (that may even be a legal
> requirement, I'm not sure), so publishing them isn't a great deal of
> work.
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> Wikimedia UK mailing list

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