Wikimedia UK Board meeting Tuesday 21st July 2009, 8:45pm BST at #wikimedia-uk-board
Present: Michael Peel (MP) (Chair); Andrew Turvey (AT) (minutes); Zeyi He (ZH); Tom Holden (TH); Joseph Seddon (JS); Paul Williams (PW) (part)
Apologies: PW for early departure; Steve Virgin (SV)
Note: The chair delayed the meeting from 8:30 to allow for ZH to arrive.
Thomas Dalton (Tango42, TD) has approached the board with a suggestion regarding a fundraising drive. TD proposed the following text:
"The board resolves to authorise Thomas Dalton to form a temporary working group to put together a proposal for a fundraising drive starting on 9th August 2009 and lasting 2 weeks"
TD explained that he had offered to organise a fundraiser and wanted help. He wants to have an official working group to produce a proposal that the board would then consider.
AT suggested that the board should instead appoint the working group members. Whilst this was being discussed, TD withdrew the motion.
It was agreed that the initiatives director should coordinate the various initiatives, producing a progress report for each board meeting with, for instance, achievements, plans and obstacles. The board then has an overview role to monitor progress and discuss obstacles as needed.
It was agreed that the chapter would seek a geonotice on the watchlist of UK contributors to English Wikipedia to advertise the chapter and its initatives. Various options for wording was discussed and MP agreed to approach the page to request.
ACTION: MP Done see wikipedia:Wikipedia:Geonotice#Wikimedia_UK_initiatives_notice.
It was agreed to set up a wiki page - Volunteer - where new supporters can be directed which would have all the ways that people can get involved.
PW agreed to establish
PW has been developing the initiative page. Eight people have volunteered so far, including six who are prepared to go into schools. PW will research into the reqirement for CRB checks and their transferability in liason with JS.
PW will develop a proposal for buying a computer with, potentially, peripherals such as a projector, screen, printer etc.
PW suggested his school could be a pilot. More schools could be recruited through the East of England Broadband Network and teacher trainer days (which could be accessed via Theresa knott).
MP agreed to set up a mailing list for the schools project on It was agreed to defer production of the task list and timeline until this was established.
MP confirmed that having asked the email list for volunteers, no-one came forward so he is still willing to lead this initiative.
It was agreed the initiative needed a core group of 3-4 people to organise it. So far, four people have volunteered on the initiative page and it was agreed this was sufficient to organise the event.
The board discussed whether it should be wider in geographical scope - say Britain Loves Wikipedia. MP agreed to approach the Foundation to request permission to use their copyright.
PW left the meeting
It was agreed not to start actively recruiting museums to this project until the National Portrait Gallery issue had been resolved.
AT reported that SV has agreed to lead this initiative. We need at least four people to present and four people have already signed up at the initiative page. In addition, Cormac Lawler has signed up at Speakers and may be interested - AT agreed to approach. Progress in other areas in on hold pending discussions with the two Steves.
It was agreed to broaden the initiative to try to recruit organisations other than the BBC. AT agreed to talk to SV about this.
It was agreed that approaches to museums should be hold pending resolution of the NPG issue.
The board discussed whether we could use the money to buy digitization equipment which could be loaned out to small museums and councils in exchange for free content rights. It was suggested we continue thinking about these areas and discuss again at the next initiatives meeting.
JS suggested an event along the lines of the Wikimedia Australia GLAM-WIKI event. AT suggested this may be good as a follow up to Britain Loves Wikipedia.
The Board discussed ways of responding to the other proposed initiatives. It was agreed that if we get an initiative put forward by someone not currently active then we should make sure that we discuss it and get them involved.
It was agreed to discuss this at the next regular board meeting on the 5th August.
Meeting closed at 10:41pm.