How about that for speed!
Hi all,
Just a reminder for anyone who is thinking about standing for election
to the Board, the deadline for nominations is midnight this evening. A
simple email is all it takes - details are in the notice below.
As you know, we currently have three empty spaces on the board in
addition to the four people who are standing for re-election. We had a
good turn out to the "Board interest day" a few weeks ago and we are
all looking forward to getting an influx of new board members to help
with the exciting things ahead for us this year.
I've put together a proposed list of meeting dates for next year at (subject of course to
the agreement of the next board) if you want a better picture of what
is involved.
Please get in touch with me or any other board member if you have any
questions on this.
Andrew Turvey
Company Secretary
Wikimedia UK
Wikimedia UK is the operating name of Wiki UK Limited.
Wiki UK Ltd is a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England
and Wales, Registered No. 6741827.
The Registered Office is at 23 Cartwright Way, Nottingham, NG9 1RL,
United Kingdom.
On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 10:15 PM, Andrew Turvey
<> wrote:
> Please find forwarded below the message that was sent to all the
> members of Wikimedia UK this morning.
> If you're not a member of the chapter yet and would like to get
> involved in the AGM, it's not too late. The easiest way is through the
> online application form at
> If you are a member but haven't received the message below please let
> me know as we may have an error in your records.
> Regards,
> Andrew Turvey
> Chair & Company Secretary, Wikimedia UK
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Andrew Turvey <>
> Date: Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 7:25 AM
> Subject: Wikimedia UK Annual Conference & AGM
> To:
> Bcc: [memberslist]
> Dear Member,
> Thank you for being a member of Wikimedia UK - the movement promoting
> and supporting Wikipedia, its sister projects and open content here in
> the UK. We are now over two years old. We have made a real impact in
> the last year, hosting a major GLAM-WIKI conference, celebrations
> around the 10th Anniversary of Wikipedia and, last month, BRIS-WIKI -
> a conference about Wikipedia in Bristol.
> This year has also seen significant growth in Wikimedia UK: our income
> has topped £500,000, our membership is now close to 200 and we
> employed our first member of staff. Next year we have many exciting
> plans, but we need you to be involved to make that happen!
> Our Annual Conference and Annual General Meeting will be held on
> Saturday 16th April at the The Watershed Media Centre, Bristol. There
> will be a full programme of events starting at 9:30am and finishing at
> 5:00pm, including speakers, panel discussions and the business of the
> AGM itself at 1pm. Please come along to hear what we have achieved and
> help us plan our activities for the future.
> The address of the venue is:
> Watershed Media Centre
> 1 Canon's Rd, Harbourside
> Bristol, BS1 5TX
> Bristol is easy to get to via car, bus, train or airplane. Directions
> to the venue can be found on Watershed's website at
> For National Express buses
> to Bristol, see their website at
> Hotel options if you plan to stay over are shown on our main wiki page
> at
> If you need financial support to attend the conference, please contact
> User:Mike Peel via the wiki page.
> So that we can plan for the right number of people, if you are
> attending, it would help us if you could register for the event via
> EventBrite at
> The official AGM will run from 1pm to 3pm and cover the annual report,
> election of a new Board of Trustees and five official motions listed
> below. Would you like to stand as a member of the board?
> Next year is set to be another big and exciting year of growth for
> Wikimedia UK: we plan to recruit several more members of staff so we
> can scale up our activities, enable more activity by volunteers and
> professionalise the chapter. Our own developer, events organiser, a
> full time office manager and a chapter manager pulling everything
> together will no doubt transform Wikimedia UK. This is an exciting
> time to be part of the board of trustees and there will be a real
> opportunity to make a difference and influence the future direction of
> the chapter.
> We expect that being a board member will take up at least three hours
> per week. We expect that the Board will meet once every four to six
> weeks, with one meeting in person every three months. We also hope
> that directors take
> a lead in chapter projects outside meetings. However, there is no
> requirement to dedicate a certain amount of time to the chapter or to
> have any particular skills - just disclose what you can bring to the
> table and let the members decide!
> Board members legally act as the chapter's Directors and Trustees. The
> eligibility criteria and duties are set out at
> - please check that you are
> eligible and accept these duties before putting yourself forward for
> election. If you have any questions you are welcome to contact me,
> another board member or take your own legal advice.
> To nominate yourself as a candidate, simply email
> by 23:59 on Saturday 2nd April with the
> following:
> * a statement that you would like to nominate yourself to serve as
> a director and trustee of Wikimedia UK and you fulfill the legal
> criteria for appointment
> * Full name
> * any previous names
> * date of birth
> * business occupation
> * the names of any other UK companies which you have been director
> of in the last five years
> During the election only your name will be made public. If you are
> successful these other details will be filed with Companies House as a
> public record. You will also be required to file your usual
> residential address with the Company Secretary, but this will be kept
> confidential.
> You may also enclose a candidate statement of up to 500 words if you
> wish. This will be sent out with the ballot paper to the voters and
> published on the Wikimedia UK wiki. Alternatively, you may send this
> separately to the Tellers before the 2nd April. The Tellers will
> confirm receipt and acceptance of the nomination. The list of validly
> approved candidates will be sent to all members within a week of the
> close of nominations on the 2nd April. Candidates can withdraw their
> nomination any time before the results of the election are announced.
> Resolutions
> Following the election of the board, the AGM will discuss five formal
> motions as follows:
> 1. A motion to increase the term of Board members from one to two years
> 2. A motion to set membership fees
> 3. A motion to appoint board members
> 4. A motion to approve the annual accounts
> 5. A motion to appoint auditors
> More details of these motions is given below and on the AGM wiki page
> above. If you would like to propose any amendments please get in touch
> by emailing to discuss.
> Please vote on these motions by forwarding this email to
> "" and putting "Yes" or "No" against each of
> the motions above. You may also vote in person at the AGM and you may
> change your vote at any time. Email votes must be received by 2pm on
> Friday 15th April. By forwarding this email with your instructions to
> the tellers you are agreeing to appoint the tellers as your proxy and
> they will cast your vote on your behalf. The wording of the proxy
> declaration is as follows:
> "I, the above named member, of the above email address, being a member
> of Wikimedia UK, hereby appoint James Farrar ("the Teller") as my
> proxy to vote in my name on my behalf at the general meeting of the
> charity to be held on 16th April 2011 and at any adjournment thereof
> according to my instruction above. Unless otherwise instructed, the
> proxy may vote as they think fit where consistent with my instruction
> or abstain."
> Alternatively you have a right to appoint someone else as your proxy
> to attend the meeting and vote on your behalf. Please use the same
> wording as above and email it to
> We look forward to seeing you on 16th!
> Regards,
> Company Secretary
> Wikimedia UK
> Wikimedia UK is the operating name of Wiki UK Limited.
> Wiki UK Ltd is a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England
> and Wales, Registered No. 6741827.
> The Registered Office is at 23 Cartwright Way, Nottingham, NG9 1RL,
> United Kingdom.
> Details of Resolutions
> 1. A motion to increase the term of Board members from one to two years
> This motion is a Special Resolution and therefore requires a 75%
> majority to pass
> Whereas Article 16 currently states that:
> "16.1 Providing that one or more valid nominations for Directors
> are received, all the Directors shall retire from office at each
> Annual General Meeting "
> "16.2 If a Director is required to retire at an Annual General
> Meeting by a provision of these articles the retirement shall take
> effect upon the conclusion of the meeting.";
> Believing the resultant uncertainty around the election each year
> disrupts the effectiveness of the Board's planning, and interim
> functionality;
> Believing that longer terms for the Directors would produce a positive
> impact in improved stability of the Board;
> Resolves to replace Article 16 with the following:
> 16.1 Providing that one or more valid nominations for Directors
> are received, Directors shall retire from office at the second Annual
> General Meeting since their last appointment, unless by the close of
> the meeting the members have failed to elect sufficient Directors to
> hold a quorate meeting of the Directors.
> 16.2 At the first Annual General Meeting following the adoption of
> this article, fifty percent of directors shall retire from office. If
> the number of directors is not a multiple of two, the number of
> retiring directors shall be fifty percent plus a half.
> 16.3 The directors who are to resign under Article 16.2 at the
> first AGM following from the adoption of this Article shall be
> determined as the directors who obtained the fewest votes at their
> election.
> 16.4 If a Director is appointed to fill a vacancy under Article
> 17.4, they shall retire from office at the subsequent Annual General
> Meeting
> 16.5 If a Director is required to retire at an Annual General
> Meeting by a provision of these articles the retirement shall take
> effect upon the conclusion of the meeting.
> This resolution has been put forward by Mike Peel, and has been
> seconded by Thomas Dalton.
> 2. A motion to set membership fees
> Whereas, the Membership Rules require the membership fees to be
> reviewed by each AGM.
> This meeting resolves by Ordinary Resolution to maintain the
> membership fees unchanged for Individual Members at £5 per year and
> for all Member Organisations at £100 per year.
> 3. A motion to appoint board members
> Whereas, the Board of Trustees have all resigned effective at the end
> of this meeting, as required by the Articles of Association. Whereas,
> the Election Rules require an election of board members at this
> meeting.
> This meeting resolves by Ordinary Resolution to hold an election in
> accordance with the Election Rules and then appoint the elected
> candidates as members of the Board of Trustees for the next year.
> 4. A motion to approve the annual accounts
> Whereas the Financial Accounts for the periods ended 31 January 2010
> and 31 January 2011 have been previously approved by the directors,
> This meeting resolved to adopt these accounts.
> 5. A motion to appoint auditors
> Whereas Messrs UHY Hacker Young of 22 The Ropewalk Nottingham have
> been appointed by the directors as auditors of the company,
> This Meeting resolves to reappoint them as auditors until the
> conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting.
> ** END **
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