The WMF would appear to be basing their planning on dollar values without allowing for the idea that year on year currency fluctuations might effect the differential success of chapters. Could someone provide the figures in sterling and ideally the exchange rates that applied at the time of the donations so we can add a sterling row to the Google doc they are working from?

I have a sneaking suspicion that this years chapters that are processing payments are European ones and what the WMF is measuring is weakness in the Euro and Sterling not weakness in the localisation model - unless of course they conclude that the localisation of payment collection is the cause of Europe's current economic malaise?


On 5 January 2012 17:43, Chris Keating <> wrote:
People reading this thread might also be interested in Sue Gardner's current proposals regarding fundraising in future.

I expect that we will be making a formal response as a chapter in due course, but I am sure individuals on this list will have views as well.



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