As many of you will be aware, there has for some time been a discussion on the Water cooler regarding how best to engage with everyone from well-established members to potential contributors, and ensure there is space to have robust discussion about WMUK and its operations, as well as a space in which to ask questions and talk about our activities and projects.  As a step forward, we’ve now split the Water cooler into two pages:

·         The Water cooler, which keeps its original name and intention – a place for discussion about our activities.  This can be found under the ‘get involved’ section on the sidebar.

·         The Engine room, which is a space to discuss and debate WMUK operational matters.  This can be found under the ‘organisation’ section on the sidebar

I've now gone through the process of moving threads regarding WMUK operational matters to the newly created Engine room, while keeping threads around our activities and getting involved on the Water cooler page. This will be our first attempt at creating different spaces for different types of discussion, and we're still working on the headers for these pages (the divs now inserted at the top of the page). If you watch the Water cooler you may also want to add the Engine room to your watch list. I've also moved the Water cooler up to the "get involved" section on the sidebar. The new Engine room can be found under “organisation” on the sidebar. If you think I've incorrectly moved something, or have a suggestion for how we should define and describe these places do let us know (ideally here in the Engine room). Finally, I look forward to seeing people engage on both pages. Cheers Sjgknight (talk) 21:27, 20 December 2013 (UTC)

