Hi John, thanks for posting about this. We have our May newsletter coming up soon. I wonder if you would be interested in writing a short summary of the current state of university Open Access publishing which we could include in it? It can be as short as you like. 

John Lubbock
Communications Coordinator
Wikimedia UK

On 1 May 2017 at 14:22, John Levin <anterotesis@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear list,

The subject of publishing postgrad / PhD these under open licenses came up via the W.UK twitter account a few days ago:

Wouldn't it be amazing if all postgrad/PhD students were given the option to publish dissertations/theses on Open Licenses? #OpenKnowledge

I think there's two issues here: first, if, how and when postgrad theses are published, then second, under what license.

For the first, there's been debates recently about embargoing publication etc. Eg:
But that's another subject really.

For the second, I think there's no reason that prevents any thesis being published under a free open license, save where there is use of copyrighted materials. But I haven't found many unis stating this clearly.
Leeds is the only UK university I've found that overtly advocates CC licenses:
But this is on the sole basis of a few hours googling.

I'm a PhD at Sussex ATM, so will be looking more closely into their arrangements next year.


John Levin

Wikimedia UK mailing list
WMUK: https://wikimedia.org.uk