One quick thought: when I ask people to release images and they're a bit iffy about it, I sometimes ask them if they'd be more comfortable releasing a lower resolution version (we wouldn't normally display an image in an article at above 300px).

Oh, and I'm interested in being kept in the loop on anything like this. Is there a GLAM mailing list somewhere?


From: David Gerard <>
Sent: Wednesday, 9 November 2011, 22:06
Subject: Re: [Wikimediauk-l] Info: 2012 programme of events with the Victoria and Albert Museum

On 9 November 2011 21:57, Fae <> wrote:

> I'm wondering if this needs to be part of a request page, similar to
> the image request list we started at the BM* (anyone want to set it
> up)? I can't promise a quick response but a good wish-list from our
> community would probably help the internal discussions enormously.
> Link:

I think spreading a request link would be a big win, yes.

- d.

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