it's very late, so I'll keep this short until I'm in work tomorrow; but the 'in kind support' amounts to a few dozen A4 'learn to edit' leaflets, nothing more. Anyone worldwide can ask for them, and we'll send them out by post to anyone who wants them for a 'learn to edit' session. That's perfectly reasonable, I think. Total value of the leaflets is negligible, less than 10 GBP, but all the same we thought it best to get a board decision on whether or not to send them because of the potential problems. The decision was, if I recall, that trivial support like a few badges and leaflets would be fine, but nothing substantial.
To be clear, Wikimedia UK has given no money, or expenses, to anything Gibraltar related, or for any trips to Gibraltar, or for any Gibraltarpedia prizes. We've been very clear about keeping a demarcation line between Gibraltarpedia and WMUK. All it's had in terms of support from us is, as far as I know, a few slim paperback booklets.
Will look into it more tomorrow, when I'm in work!
All the best,
On Sun, Sep 16, 2012 at 9:37 PM, Gordon Joly <> wrote:On 16/09/12 20:02, Thomas Dalton wrote:And in no way conflicts with his legal status as a Trustee?
Since Roger is, I understand, being paid by the Government of
Gibraltar to work on GibraltapediA, I think this constitutes paid
GordoDan Murphy on Wikipediocracy asked,---o0o---I'm feeling more than usually dim. Is this the story? "Roger Bamkin, a trustee of the Wikimedia Foundation UK, is a paid PR consultant for Gibraltar and secured the agreement of Wikimedia UK to promote his client's interests."If so, wow.---o0o---His question was based on the draft minutes of the 8 September meeting herewhich said,---o0o---Gibraltarpedia update / MOU - Roger (25 mins)Roger updated the board on Gibraltarpedia, and explained how he would like to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with Wikimedia UK. This would not involve the transfer of any funds, but would mean that Wikimedia UK would offer in-kind support in the form of press coverage and various merchandise.DECISION: It was agreed that the office can support Gibraltarpedia with in-kind contributions, but not funds---o0o---I understand the minutes are still being edited, but surely, we can assume that the decision outlined there was indeed taken at the 8 September meeting.
And if so, then I have to say it looks to me very much like Dan's summary was correct. If it isn't, what exactly about it is untrue?Andreas
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