On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 1:06 PM, David Gerard <dgerard@gmail.com> wrote:
On 15 November 2012 11:36, Andy Mabbett <andy@pigsonthewing.org.uk> wrote:

> Thanks for the additional info; I'm familiar with the history. My
> point is that - for whatever reason - the CIPR guidelines are stricter
> than Wikipedia's own, and we need to be mindful of that.

Yes, we need to always say it's a guideline. I usually phrase it
something like "It's not strictly forbidden by Wikipedia's rules, but
it's a really bad idea because the media *will* crucify you and your
client. So I think you shouldn't do it."

Well, if the German court decision is anything to go by, you may be able to add another reason: 

"And there's a chance your competitors will be able to sue you."
