Will this new official capacity as WMUK paid staff present any conflict of interest with Richard's current role as en.wp arbitrator?
On Sep 1, 2011 7:47 PM, "Chris Keating" <
chriskeatingwiki@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> As I understand it, I'm on a temporary contract until January 15. Details of
>>> the role are publicly available at
>> Ok, so you're basically being hired to work on the fundraiser. I guess
>> the plan is to wait until the CEO starts before deciding how office
>> admin will be handled in the long-term. Not long to wait for that now!
> That's right.
> Once we have a Chief Exec we will have a much clearer idea of how a
> number of roles which we've had in mind for some time will pan out.
> There will definitely be an ongoing need for some administrative
> support but not necessarily to this job description, hence us
> advertising a few weeks ago on a temporary basis.
> Regards,
> Chris
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