They most certainly were.

Of you remember at the Board meeting in Coventry we went through them very quickly.  Chris then created a sort of triage document tht led to an absorbtion of as much as was practiclly possible. This helped populate the bid to the FDC and I have produced this pared down version.

A lot of the ideas, it was felt, could be accommodated within the project grants programme, other that were more ambitious needed to wait until funding could be found.

Worth emphasising perhaps that a lot of the budget has room for flexibility as the year progresses.

Anyway please chip in.


On 10 December 2012 21:32, HJ Mitchell <> wrote:
Out of interest, were any of the comments at taken into consideration in the drafting of this? Obviously not all suggestions could be implemented (finite budget, hours in the day, etc), but it would be nice to see some followup so that those who made suggestion feel like they actually contributed something. I don't think any were completely insane (though some perhaps impractical).  
Harry Mitchell
Phone: 024 7698 0977
Skype: harry_j_mitchell

From: Jon Davies <>
To: Wikimedia UK lists <>
Cc: office <>
Sent: Monday, 10 December 2012, 9:17
Subject: [Wikimediauk-l] Revising the 2013-14 plan

Dear community,

For those of you who have been following these things you will know that our budget for next year is likely to be a little over £700K following the grant decision of the Foundation's Funds Dissemination committee.

The board discussed this in November and I was asked to produce a revised programme.  The trustees have been looking at this revision and now seeks community input.

Email me directly if you have any queries.

Jon Davies - Chief Executive Wikimedia UK.  Mobile (0044) 7803 505 169
tweet @jonatreesdavies

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Jon Davies - Chief Executive Wikimedia UK.  Mobile (0044) 7803 505 169
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Wikimedia UK is a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England and Wales, Registered No. 6741827. Registered Charity No.1144513. Registered Office 4th Floor, Development House, 56-64 Leonard Street, London EC2A 4LT. United Kingdom. Wikimedia UK is the UK chapter of a global Wikimedia movement. The Wikimedia projects are run by the Wikimedia Foundation (who operate Wikipedia, amongst other projects).

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