As many of you may be aware, from saturday onwards I will be off the coast of scotland
with no likely internet access, poor 3G and irregular mobile signal.
I need to know who has had experience with events like wikimania, who has attened wikimania
or similar free knowledge/open source before, technical knowledge on running events, press
experience, accounting etc etc. With this information a section can be drafted up about the
abilities of the local team etc. If replies are simply posted here with a brief outline that will
be most helpful
Two sections still need work and then the bid page will be relatively complete. They are:
Also this press release which will need
to go out next week need work.
If everyone can concentrate on these four things, I will be confident that our bid will be complete.
Lets get these last few pieces together and have a complete bid when going into the close of bidding
next week.
Joseph Seddon

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