The AGM will elect a new Board of Directors who will run the chapter for the forthcoming year. The directors also function as Trustees of the charity. Are you able to help out the chapter by becoming a Board member? We expect directors will meet at least once per month and hope that directors will take a lead in chapter projects outside meetings; we are particularly keen to encourage candidates who bring experience of media relations, legal matters, charity administration, project organisation or lobbying. However, there is no requirement to dedicate a certain amount of time to the chapter or to have any particular skills - just disclose what you can bring to the table and let the members decide!
If you would like to nominate yourself as a candidate for the Board, please send an email to by Sunday 5th April (23:59 GMT) which includes:
The Tellers will confirm receipt and acceptance of the nomination. The list of validly approved candidates will be sent to all members within a week of the close of nominations on the 5th April. Candidates can withdraw their nomination any time before the results of the election are announced.