On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 3:00 PM, Steve Bowbrick <Steve.Bowbrick@bbc.co.uk> wrote:
Hi everyone,

This is my first post here. I've been responsible for some discussion at
the BBC about a possible contribution to the Wikipedia project from the
BBC - I think it's come up on the list too. There's no hard proposal or
plan, just an ongoing discussion of the appropriate relationship of a
national public service content creator and the leading free knowledge
source on the net.

There's been some discussion of a 'BBC Wikipedia Club' for wannabe
contributors/editors who work at the BBC, about more formally gifting
content to Wikipedia and - more ambitiously - about hiring a 'Social
Media Editor' to manage the corporation's relationship with Wikipedia
and other open media sources.

Question: would it be appropriate for one or more BBC people with an
interest in collaboration to come along to the AGM? If so, should we
bring a formal contribution or just sit quietly at the back? If not, is
there a more appropriate forum we could get involved with?


Some relevant blog posts here:



Editor, BBC Radio 4 Blog http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/radio4
07768 257 570


Hi Steve et all,

Speaking as a member of Wikimedia UK, I think this would be a fantastic contribution to the AGM and a great start to what can hopefully be a prosperous and fulfilling relationship between the two parties, both for Wikimedia UK's activities and the Wikimedia's activities as a whole. 

-- Paul "skenmy" Williams
-- paul@skenmy.com