On 12/08/07, Gordon Joly <gordon.joly(a)pobox.com> wrote:
> I have voted for Manchester, which I aim to visit in the next few weeks.
> Then I read that the Meetup might be in October or later.... ho hum.
> Gordo
> --
> "Think Feynman"/////////
> http://pobox.com/~gordo/
> gordon.joly(a)pobox.com///
> _______________________________________________
> Wikimedia UK mailing list
> wikimediauk-l(a)wikimedia.org
> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_UK
> http://mail.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimediauk-l
That's a possibility, so that people can have time to organise.
Alex (Majorly)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jordan S Hatcher <jordan(a)opencontentlawyer.com>
Date: 03-Aug-2007 10:56
Subject: [ORG-discuss] Survey of open content licences and cultural heritage
To: Open Rights Group open discussion list
I know that CC in and of itself is probably not strictly an ORG
issue, but since it involves public sector information and public
money (UK-funded museums, etc) I thought I 'd pass along this
Apologies for cross-posting...
**New survey on open content licences**
==Use of open content licences by cultural heritage organisations==
The Eduserv Foundation is funding a study into the use of Creative
Archive, Creative Commons and similar open content licences by
cultural heritage organisations in the United Kingdom. The study is
being led by legal consultant Jordan Hatcher of
opencontentlawyer.com. The survey is available here:
This survey is open to UK-based cultural heritage organisations such
as museums, libraries, galleries, archives, film and video
organisations, broadcasters, and other organisations that conduct
cultural heritage activities.
The goal of this study is to provide information on the actual use of
Creative Archive, Creative Commons, and similar licences. This
information will be useful to decision makers and interested
professionals in the cultural heritage sector, and for local and
national government and the HE and FE sector. The study will be
conducted from now through to the middle of September and a report
will be made available in October.
If you are a member of a cultural heritage organisation, whether or
not you currently use Creative Commons or Creative Archive licences
(or even know what they are!), your participation is needed to make
this study a success.
Again, the survey is available at:
==iPod Shuffle giveaway==
As a bonus for completing the survey, respondents will get the chance
to enter a drawer to win one of three iPod Shuffles that come pre-
loaded with music! See the survey for full details.
==Blog and email -- Please help spread the word==
We would appreciate it very much if you could help publicise this
survey by blogging about it or forwarding this email to people who
you think might be interested.
==More about the project==
You can learn more about the project and read the original research
proposal at our homepage:
If you would like to take part via post or telephone, or are
interested in finding out more about the study, please contact Ed
Barker and Jordan Hatcher at
phone +44 (0) 125 474328
Mr. Jordan S Hatcher, JD, LLM
jordan at opencontentlawyer dot com
IP/IT Blog: http://twitchgamer.net
Usage of Creative Commons by cultural heritage organisations
"The Impact of Free Trade Agreements on Information Technology Based
ORG-discuss mailing list
Hi David,
The press service AlphaGalileo are free to use and have a good techie reach.
best wishes
Jenny Gristock / Open_Research at Wikimedia
There's a press release going out for Tuesday for a UK organisation
working with WMF. So the organisation asked me about addresses to
email it to. *ahem* guess who's so used to doing press reactively that
he's never actually gathered a press release email list.
We have addresses for the major (and many minor) newspapers, but not
for computer/internet press. So far I have the Inquirer
(press.releases[AT]theinquirer.net) and the Register
(news[AT]theregister.co.uk). I welcome your assistance with other
suitable press addresses.
It would probably be a good idea for WMF to get into the habit of
proactive press releases, as we do, after all, have an agenda to push
(free content, education, wikis, the stuff in the mission statements
of WMF and WMUK). So this'll be useful far and wide.
Note that no-one here has any money for media directories ...
- d.