Det har du rätt i. När det nya året kommit igång så borde vi nog, flera goda krafter, hjälpas åt så att Norge kommer med på tåget.
I början av januari tycker jag vi borde ta i detta och se vad som behövs för att allt skall gå i lås
----- Original Message -----
From: Jon Harald Søby
To: Wikimedia Sverige
Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2007 5:07 PM
Subject: Re: [WikimediaSE-L] Fw: [Chapters] Interest to join chapterscommitte

Gratulerer så mye! Det er godt å ha en skandinav med der - kanskje du kan hjelpe oss med å booste Wikimedia Norges sak der også? ;-)

Lykke til med oppgaven. :-)

2007/12/4, Anders Wennersten <>:
jag är nu ledamot i ChapCom!
Förutom att jag faktiskt tror jag kan bidra positivt i ChapComs arbete, så
ser jag också att jag kan återföra till Wikimedia Sverige förståelse av
skeendet inom WMF och hjälpa till att tipsa om kontakter av nytta för oss i
våra systerorganisationer
Anders W

----- Original Message -----
From: "Delphine Ménard" <>
To: "Anders Wennersten" <>
Cc: "Chapters committee list" < >
Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2007 12:31 PM
Subject: Re: [Chapters] Interest to join chapters committe

> Dear Anders,
> We are happy to announce that if you still are interested, the chapters
> committee has agreed to count you among its members, with a term of one
> year (we have reviewed the terms of everyone). Starting actually 3 days
> ago, on December 1st.
> Thank you for confirming that you still want to be part of the chapters
> committee members.
> Best,
> Delphine
> Le 09.11.2007 08:30, Anders Wennersten a écrit :
> > Hi,
> >
> > I read Delphines call for interest in joining the chapters committe, and
> > hereby declare my interest to join
> >
> > I am 59 years of age, now retired, and have a background in IT since
> > 1968, working as a consultant and at Ericsson.
> >
> > At Ericsson I was a senior manager (development) and have experience
> > from a multitute of global projects. The last years I worked in the HQ
> > technical staff, where I got experience from working in international
> > standard committes, and I also worked with something we called the
> > Internet Intitiatve, which made me updated in all buzz at the turn of
> > the centrury and got me a network in Sweden with all key players in the
> > Internet business.
> >
> > I am very analytical and used of achieving results, by being listening.
> > I am good at English, being married to an Australian, which in part in
> > my writing is offset by a developing smaller dyslexia
> >
> > I am a strong beleiver in Wikimedia, and in this concept I beleive it is
> > necessary with strong Local Chapters, that can contribute to the common
> > whole both finansially and by strong local initiaitves.
> >
> > My feeling after following the discussions on the internal the last two
> > weeks, is that a redefinition of the relation between (strong) Local
> > chapters and WMF will be a major issue in 2008. As I am interested and
> > experienced in these type of organisational structural issues I am very
> > interested to be part in this development.
> >
> > Without having legal education I am used of reading legal document, and
> > see myself competent in digesting and understanding bylaws
> >
> >  Anders Wennersten
> > Treasurer in Wikimedia Sverige
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Chaptercommittee-l mailing list
> >
> >
> --
> Delphine Ménard
> Chapters coordinator
> Wikimedia Foundation

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Jon Harald Søby

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