I expect that everyone is settled back into school, work, or just the usual after-summer routine; now let's try and get the ball rolling again with the Chapter. :-)  A few points:
* Johnny: Fundraiser/Party at your farm -- still interested?
* Andrew: Do we agree that the bylaws are pretty much ready?
* Where do you we stand on the whole "lawyer" aspect?  Has anyone done any research on this? i.e. how much money will need, what they will need to do, how many are in the area...
* Where are we with that new logo? (One we can use on our flyers/banners.  Just use freely with no strings attached. ;-))
* I'm waiting on some financial statements of other chapters from Internal, but these may not come for a little bit longer (the person who I need to get them from is a very busy person!).
* Technical changes of the website are at a very low priority for Brion right now (he has SUL, FlaggedRevs, etc., to worry about), most of the changes are minor/superficial and will be done eventually.
* We're now about to about 23 interested participants. :-)
Anything else I have forgotten?  Comments? Updates? :-)
Hoping to hear back from all of you soon!

Casey Brown

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