That sounds interesting,al b bringing a fwend(s) along.....

On Feb 6, 2012 10:50 PM, "Asaf Bartov" <> wrote:
Excellent!  I'd encourage anyone who can make it to join, even if they don't have a digital camera!  Just join the team, help spot interesting things to photograph, and learn how to upload pictures to Commons at the end of the walk! :)


On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 11:18 AM, stephen wanjau <> wrote:
Hello Nice People,

As we prepare for the meet-up on the coming weekend I would like to propose we have a photo walk on either of the weekends following 11th, that is 18th or 25th February.

The point of this photo walk is not just to capture pictures of notable buildings and monuments around Nairobi, but to also ask people to log on to commons and check it out by themselves.

All Wikipedians and non-Wikipedians are invited to participate in teams (no special knowledge is required at all, just a digital Camera and a love of the city;)


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