Dear all,


I very much hope that this isn’t the last word. I continue to trust in the maturity of all elected WMKE leaders, i.e. in your ability to resolve any problems with respect and good judgment.


Further, I am deeply saddened by the trend of resigning when the going gets tough. That is not what I expect from Wikimedia members who are part of a volunteer organisation aiming for the common educational good of all humankind. Please return to our responsibility of making our world a better place, and stop this disintegration of our chapter. Thanks.


Waswahili wanavyosema: Umoja ni nguvu!



From: Limoke Oscar []
Sent: 28 August 2012 10:02
To: The discussion list for the Wikimedia Kenya chapter.
Subject: Re: [Wikimedia Kenya] Meetup on 8th September


David and Issac,


I dont undertand. When and Where di I use abusive language? And who is now using abusive language here?  


Just a FYI David and Isaac, I feel very offended by the metephorising of my arguments as Khalwale'sh. There is no politicking here but it seems David is out to turn it into one. Just so that all the Members know, I pushed this argument to the Boards Mailing List and instead of David responding to my queries there, turns out to the public Mailing List with this sentiments:

I am done arguing with you, simply learn to handle things without being a Khalwale on these issues.


I am also done with this Shuttle diplomacy style of handling issues. In that Regard, I am STEPPING DOWN AS A BOARD MEMBER  effective IMMEDIATELY.




On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 9:42 AM, Branton Obwari <> wrote:

its in the  interest of wmke  for the board to bond and work together in harmony, we condemn the name calling bit , For the deputy chair to talk in the manner that he did points out to the frustration and lack of communication @ the board level ,for the audit committee to opt out like it did points out to the same, ,The chair rather that retorting should reach out to his colleagues and set out the communication channels to avert such,Now thats leadership.
    i am of the opinion that the board meets b4 8th and do the in house agree on issues we raised then collectively respond to chapter members on 8th ,thats just but a suggestion ,
   Guys lets avoid the sideshows coz @ the end the day ,this issues must be addressed .

WikimediaKE mailing list





Limoke Oscar,

Dream.Believe.Become....a world of endless oportunities