

Thank you Oliver for the comprehensive summary of what we accomplished yesterday.

FYI, we managed to cover only the CBD and so Upperhill, Westlands, Mombasa road

and some other sections didn't feel the love of wikis;)........

To add onto that, for those residing in Kenya you are all aware that the internet provider

Safaricom is having some technical issue with the internet connection. My connection has

been intermittent yet I have selected around 200 photos that I shall upload to commons once

this techy issue is resolved, plus I requested for an upload bot to make the process easier which is being

compiled somewhere I hope;)

 Wikis truly expressed their love for Nairobi yesterday and that’s the beginning/continuation

of a long life relationship between wikis and Nairobi city.

 During the walk we visited the Kenya Railways museums. Shock on us (Alex, Oscar and me) as

we had never gone there and neither knew of its location but thank God Oliver was on board and

he directed us there ;). While we were there we talked to the receptionists and the curators who were

on duty as they showed us around. At first they thought we were just the usual tourists but after we introduced

Wikipedia, we were welcomed to have a sit and talk about possible collaborations. I wish coffee is not served there ;)

Am glad that the curators knew of Wikipedia and the article about the museum where they work is a stub;(

 That place is full of history and rich in culture. Aki.

If anything we ran out of time. We talked over of possible collaborations with the museum and the answer was

a big YES but the bosses were not around now that it was on a weekend. They were contacted and notified of

our presence and intentions after which they gave their juniors the go ahead to give us their contacts and an

appointment on the coming week.

If I compare the mere size of this museum, then I think the Kenya National Museum is a whole new world and

this combined with other museums across the country?___________________________

I am currently finding out how GLAM fellowships works and how to engage such institutions. These places have

tons of information that should be on Wikimedia.

Another Wikipedian is talking with his folk at the Kenya National Archives about the same.

So if we engage these institutions on higher levels we might have hit the jackpot to bring this info. Online.

All in all it was a nice sunny day.



On Sat, Feb 25, 2012 at 10:31 PM, Oliver Stegen <info@oliverstegen.net> wrote:

Hi WMKE friends and fellows,


We (= Steve, Oscar, Alex, Chris, Morine and yours truly) had a great photo walk today, starting from the New Tom Mboya Monument on Moi Avenue and then crossing Haile Selassie to the Nairobi Railway Museum (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nairobi_Railway_Museum - and notice that the article doesn’t have a picture yet, which should change soon!). From there, we went back to Koinange St and ended our walk at the Savannah Coffee Lounge on Loita St where Wikimedia Kenya had its first face-to-face meeting in July 2010 – so, many historical memories! J


I’m looking forward to seeing a number of photos uploaded onto Commons (Steve, are you going to go through those 400+ pictures, select the best of each building and post them in the Category:Nairobi?).


At Savannah, there was also some talk of stream-lining the information of this mailing list with the two WMKE websites on Meta and @co.ke – currently, some info isn’t available *anywhere* - bother!


Finally, we also discussed the upcoming board elections and suggested that these take place on March 17th (anything else would be too late – we need to send some documents to WMF with signatures of board members, so there! – and the next two weekends are already booked with outreaches to Mombasa and Egerton). So, within the next 8 days, candidates to the 5 board positions (Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary and Project / Logistics Officer) need to write up their profiles. These should be sent to whoever will be in charge of the elections … another question which has to be solved soonest!


So, let’s get cracking so that we don’t lose our newly won chapterhood!

Yours for making the sum of all human knowledge available to every single fellow inhabitant of our planet,

Oliver (aka BT)


From: stephen wanjau [mailto:wanjaustev@gmail.com]
Sent: 24 February 2012 20:34
To: info@oliverstegen.net

Subject: Re: [Wikimedia Kenya] Saturday Photo Walk



So far only six people have filled in their names at the etherpad.

We hope to meet at the Tom Mboya monument, along Tom Mboya Street adjacent to Kenya National Archives at 10:00am where we shall decide which route to take as per the goals

Basic requirements:

  • Camera (not compulsory!)
  • Walk/Vehicle to move around/ public transport/ autos are also okay.
  • Data cable/ card reader for transfer of photos.
  • Disable on-image timestamps or other data that appears over-top of images.
  • Please empty the memory card.

Other activities:

  • Encourage new people from outside the community to join.
  • This is a team event. 


  • Bring plenty of water.
  • Do not worry about the angles/ nitty gritties of the photo or your camera skills!
  • Try and take a clear shot of the building.
  • Note down the list of places, names of buildings that you photograph.
  • If you learn something new about a landmark/ statue/ building, do pass on the info. It would be very useful to update in the wiki pages.
  • If you want to leave early, make sure you transfer your pictures to team volunteer.

Do not:

  • Do not take pictures of people - To maintain a level of decency and also not to breach privacy
  • Remember that all photos will be used for Wikipedia, hence do not include personal photos.
  • Personal photos will not be considered for selection.
  • Do not waste time, respect the time limit.
  • Do not go into people's homes to photograph. All photos to be buildings/ statues/ landmarks of Nairobi.
  • Do not take photos where it is prohibited to do so.

Just in case something is not clear, please feel free to ask.





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