Hi everybody, thanks for your patience as regards the manual. Find here attached the PDF format of the my first draft of the user manual. As you can see there are still some parts that are not complete, and some screen shots are needed.

Specifically, I would appreciate help in finalizing in the following parts:

1.      The title page (1st page which should have catchy graphics, our logo or a caption of the project if possible)

2.      A screenshot similar to the one in section 4(e) but showing the Wikipedia for schools in the body, plus another one capturing the indexing process

3.      I need someone to prepare a manual on the use of Wikipedia for Schools as in section 4(f) (i) and (ii), capturing the necessary screenshots if possible

4.      Someone also to edit the additional troubleshooting section, capturing topics e.g When and why could the software demand indexing again, as well as other FAQs

Please Note: I edited and did all the linking using MS Word 2010, that is why I never shared the .docx file since I feared loss of formatting.

I would suggest that the various sections be edited separately by different pple in docx, then attach a copy of the docs to my email so that I can download them and incorporate them in the main manual to keep consistence in formatting. If this happens soon I promise that the manual will be finalized by the end of tomorrow (Thursday) and then I can convert to word after you verify that everything is ok, so that it can be included in the packages.

However, it is up to you since there is another option: if you want I can upload the word document or share it on docs and then you can edit and finalize it there. However, I think this will prove tedious and some formatting is bound to be lost.

Which option do you prefer guys. Please let me know ASAP. Thanks.

(Pardon my low quality screenshots)


Samson Arosi Maosa,

Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology,
Bsc. Electronics and Computer Engineering
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