Hi Team,

abbass might not come,Oliver is not coming,David isnt in the country-who exactly will be the signatories of the new account?coz i am thinking it should be the treasurer(who first needs to clarify on the issues currently),the chairman and a 3rd party whom we can trust well enuf(Oliver).

On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 2:13 PM, Abbas Mahmood <abbasjnr@hotmail.com> wrote:

Personally, I don't need a meeting to get hold of the financial statements or "digest" them. Financial statements and reports can be emailed to members and they can read them at the (dis)comfort of their homes. I need a meeting to get justifications, answers, and accountability -- for I have failed to get answers and accountability via email.

If this upcoming meeting wouldn't be a Q&A, then count me out.


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