I am receiving these updates while in Cambodia, Asia on some research visits to our East Asian partners and i am a relatively new member of WMKE. I apologise if my response here below seems too lengthy (against the KISS rule) but its my critical analysis of the survey findings.

I commend Abbas for the impressive results albeit form a 'minority' (theres need to know what percentage of membership participated? Should we assume that the 'majority' who dint participate was due to a dissenting opinion?). All in all, this was actually needed for the improvement of the chapter and am sure those who refrained will see no reason to do so in future.

 From the results, the survey seems to have covered most of the expected areas:
A face-face meeting should be set to discuss the findings of the survey and make concrete resolutions on leadership and administration structures among other key issues raised (the structures may not be so elaborate for now, but theres need to define who does what, makes decisions on behalf of the family). Control of communications need to be discussed as well e.g. who makes an official WMKE position in case of anything? Who is the face of WMKE?. Some emails sent by members are a bit 'offensive' and maybe ones gets a feeling of the so called 'inexperience'.   In addition to sensitizing especially the members on the goals and objectives of WMKE and how it relates to the larger WIKIMEDIA family.

Thanks and kind regards to you all,

On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 8:21 PM, Chris Riwa <> wrote:
Great work Abbas. This is quite some impressive form of information and I hope it we will manage to make some useful decisions. It would be more useful if we could get some recommendations on what should be changed or improved, as per the results, for the betterment of WMKE. Once again congrats and keep up the good work. Be blessed.
Chris A. Riwa
Freelance Survey Researcher and Consultant
Mobile: +254(0)725-930-850

WikimediaKE mailing list

John N. Kinyuru,
Department of Food Science and Technology,
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology,
P.O. Box 62000-00200
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254 723 667 432
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