Hey Isaac,

Thumbs up!

That's really encouraging, am happy for you!


On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 9:01 AM, Kosgei Isaac <kipchogekosgei@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi I know many people have been asking Questions on about how I made it to Israel and who sponsored me, I have answered all the Questions in my blog http://kipsizoo.blogspot.com/2011/08/how-i-made-it-to-israel.html?. Just a note- The Japanese Wikimedia have offered to translate this post into their language, I have received many re-tweets of the same on twitter and also mail replies, Roger the Chair of Wikimedia UK has also offered to share this post with the UK board.
Hope it will inspire others wikimedia Kenya

Isaac K. Kosgei.
Bachelor of Agribusiness Management
Skype/Twitter: Kipsizoo
"Those Cultures that allow their people to DREAM, INNOVATE, and PRODUCE will be the winners in the race for economic independence"
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