
I got this proposition from Unesco during my holidays. I took time to answer and then THEY took time in turn to answer.
So it is on very short delay.

What do you think ?

Anyone from Kenya interested and willing to go ?

I edited text out since this is a public mailing list. Contact me directly to get the contacts.



Dear Florence,

<edited out>

Concerning the forthcoming IGF 2011 in Kenya, we are finalizing the study on the local content which is linked to the economic aspects and infrastructure. Soon, it will be available for the public view and presented at the event mentioned above.

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Regarding the session at the IGF, we are not planning to provide interpretation for the workshop, unless the organizers will provide it. The working language of the workshop is English. Regarding the travel and accommodation, I am afraid we are not in a position to cover. We were wondering whether Wikipedia plans to participate in any case.

Thank you for your attention and best regards,



From: Florence Devouard
Date: August 29, 2011 11:04:22 GMT
To: "Kasinskaite, Irmgarda"  <edited out>
Subject: Re: IGF 2011 - workshop organized by UNESCO, OECD and ISOC

<edited out>

On 8/16/11 1:45 PM, Kasinskaite, Irmgarda wrote:

Dear Florence,

<edited out>

I am contacting you on behalf of Mr Janis Karklins, Assistant Director-General for Communication and Information, UNESCO and other partners, OECD and ISOC, involved  in the preparation of the study “Economic aspects of local content creation and local Internet infrastructure".


We are wondering whether you or your colleagues from Wikipedia would agree to participate as a speaker at the joint workshop "Economic aspects of local content creation and local Internet infrastructure" organized by UNESCO, OECD and ISOC from 11.00 am to 12.30 pm on 27 September 2011 in Nairobi (Kenya) during the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) 2011. The objective of the workshop is to present the major findings of the study which was carried out jointly by three Organizations as well as reflect together on local content creation and Internet infrastructure related issues.


The workshop mentioned above will be organized within the theme "Managing Critical Internet Resources" no 96.  It is expected that the workshop will provide a report to the main session.

For more information, please visit: http://www.intgovforum.org/cms/component/chronocontact/?chronoformname=WSProposals2011View&wspid=96


Could you please let us know whether you or your colleagues would be able to join the workshop as a speaker?


Best regards,




Ms Irmgarda Kasinskaite-Buddeberg


Programme Specialist

Universal Access and Preservation Section

Knowledge Societies Division

Communication and Information Sector



1, rue Miollis

75732 Paris cedex 15
