yep, that's a true observation

On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 9:13 PM, stephen wanjau <> wrote:

Hello See My concerns embedded below the Email.

The team in charge of overlooking the election process managed to meet yesterday for the first time. The team is composed of Branton, Cliff and I, and the meet-up was aimed at brainstorming on how the upcoming election will be conducted and to plan for all the activities that will precede the actual election. Generally, we aim at having a free and fair election process that will also be educative and eventful. Hence, we call for all members to kindly come out and support this activity in a positive manner. The different activities that we agreed on and the dates we expect them to be performed are stated below:
  1. Declaration of intention. This serves as an official announcement by a member to contest for the position of board member of WMKE. This can be done on our official mailing list, as most of you have done, and the last date for this activity will be on Wednesday, 21st March 2012 by 1159hours. 
  2. Registration of contestants. This will involve the determination of whether an applicant is eligible to contest for the position of a board member of WMKE as per the Chapter's Constitution or any other rules agreed upon by the members. This is fully the responsibility of the electoral team and the results are to be released on Saturday, 24th March 2012 between noon and 1159hours.
"..between noon to 1159hours.." is negative one minute if my knowledge of time serves me right [1].  Was it supposed to be noon to 2359H..or 1159hours to noon?



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