Thanks for the replies.

I'm really looking forward to how this event turns out (esp. with regards to attendee turnover) since in all our past outreach events, we are the ones who've followed the students, and not the other way round.

RE: merch., I only have stickers left with me (plus lots of plus-sized t-shirts, if that counts).


> Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2012 19:13:26 +0300
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Wikimedia Kenya] First Outreach 2012 to Mombasa
> Hi Abbas,
> > Thanks for following this through. Thank you
> >
> > 1.) Out of the 3, how many people have signed up so far? I just posted today this thread with the details. So anyone keen can sign up (on this thread,so far 0)
> >
> > 2.) what do you mean by hiring a venue? ( Uhhhm, We are not certain to get a free venue like we always do in Nairobi to host our participants)
> >
> > 3.) which institutions are you planning to visit? We will not be visting institutions but we will be inviting students and other keen people to the event.
> >
> > 4.) why are you stating that Wikimedia Kenya is in a state of budgetary
> > insufficiency? Because we do not have Outreach outrightly budgeted in our Budget or is it? :-)
> >
> > 5.) have you made any merchandise arrangements? For instance, the the
> > locally-printed t-shirts.
> Am in touch with Steve and he informs me that he has the fisrt batch
> of the locally printed t-shirts.
> Steve please care to share more?
> Thannks.
> Find the details here:
> --
> Limoke Oscar,
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