Congratulations, Oscar & Dennis.

> Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2011 06:03:26 -0800
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Wikimedia Kenya] KU Meeting and Changes
> Good job Oscar.
> On 1/6/11, Limoke Oscar <> wrote:
> > Hey Guys,
> > I hope we are all geared up to the launch.Dennis and I just had a succeseful
> > meeting with Dr.Njoroge from KU.We discussed at length Chen's Visit and some
> > changes were agreed .the deatails are as below:
> > TALK
> > Instead of Mr.Chen talk to the students,Njoroge was of the idea that since
> > the students are still reporting to school,it would be embarrassing to have
> > a talk with only a fistful of students.Instead,we agreed that we have
> > audience with the VC and then visit some departments and meet the heads of
> > departments,lecturers and a few students.The following will be the audience
> > in the VC auditorium:
> >
> > - The VC
> > - The 3 DVC's
> > - The Director University Outreach
> > - The Director University Outreacch
> > - Director School of ICT
> > - Director Confucius Center
> > - Dean school of Education
> > - 7 of us including Mr.Chen
> >
> > The departments to be visited are:
> >
> > - School of Education
> > - ICT department
> > - Department of Confucius-Chinese School.
> >
> > He also suggested that we claerly spell out our vison,mission and objectives
> > in our presentation to the VC.The presentation should touch on wikipedia and
> > other resources available in Wikimedia like Wikiversity and Wikibooks,Public
> > Policy Initiative and Wikipedia Ambassadors among others(a power point
> > presentation).He opined that the VC would be glad to know why we chose
> > KU-mainly because its the premier campus training Educationists in Kenya.He
> > also suggestde we present a specific message to KU like in terms of our
> > request,what KU can contribute in terms of content development,research etc.
> >
> > We also explored the possibility of suggesting the KU VC be among the board
> > of Trustees of the Wikimedia Kanya.
> > We concluded the meeting with a tentative agenda of the meeting as below.
> >
> > *Proposed Program for Chen's KU Visit.*
> > *9.30:* We congregate in Dr.Njoroges office before we proceed to the VC's
> > boardroom
> > 10: start of the meeting.
> >
> > - VC introduces Ku team and briefs us
> > - Dr.Njoroge introduces Chen
> > - Oscar introduces the Wiki team
> > - Grace makes the PPT presentation
> > - Chen makes our request and remarks
> > - VC concludes
> > - Group Photo
> > - Visit to departments above
> >
> > Bye guys let US -Dennis and I-to the google meeting.later
> >
> > --
> > Limoke Oscar,
> > Wikimedian in Kenya,
> > Freelance Academic Writer and Translator,
> > GeoInformatics and GIScience Student,
> > Jomo Kenyatta University.
> > Cell:+254 717 845 316
> >
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