Ha! I'm glad that you're inspired :) And yes, feel free to re-use it.


> Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2012 13:39:01 +0300
> From: oslimoke@gmail.com
> To: wikimediake@lists.wikimedia.org
> Subject: Re: [Wikimedia Kenya] Fwd: [Internal-l] Congratulations to Wikimedia Kenya!
> LoL Abbas Mahmood
> Your speech is awesome and i love it. Your diligence and personal
> commitment helped steer WMKE to its current state. Cheers to all your
> effort and all the members who hang on through the hard times, the
> tough times and the ugly times too. Cheers to all of us...
> BTW Abbas, allow me to borrow you speech? for maybe a blog and staff?
> Sire to Cite :-)
> > Hello,
> > This is such wonderful news.
> > We have come a long way. This chapter has been two years in the making. I
> > remember our very first meet-up in July 24, 2010 at Java House, Loita Street
> > along with Oliver, Oscar and Dennis. Out of the ~20 winners of the Google
> > challenge that I had notified about the first meeting, only the four of us
> > attended. Despite our failed efforts to proselytize our fellow participants,
> > we still had hope. Despite the criticisms, we still moved on. Despite the
> > many failed projects, we've still managed to succeed in little projects,
> > with high impact. Despite the chaos in this mailing list, the energy amongst
> > us still prevails. Despite the fact that we're not yet legally recognized,
> > we have managed to impact the community and partnered with several
> > legally-recognized entities. Despite the huge gender gap in the global
> > Wikimedia movement, we have managed to get a fair number of (awesome) ladies
> > on board. Despite our differences, we are bonded by camaraderie.
> > And yes, I would like a cake too. Or a bash. Or going back to Java where it
> > all started. Whatever.
> > Warm regards,
> > Abbas.
> Lastly, Can we start now asking for Membership Contributions?
> --
> Limoke Oscar,
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> WikimediaKE mailing list
> WikimediaKE@lists.wikimedia.org
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