
Every good thing starts from somewhere and its not easy work. We have made a critical step towards changing lives in our country and that is what human life should be about. Each day that you wake up, make sure you have set yourself to be a part of a move that affects the world positively. Am proud to be a member of this and I will continuously give my best to it.


On Mon, Apr 4, 2011 at 8:16 PM, lilian nyarera <> wrote:
HI ALL!                                                                              Wow! Personally having completed our pilot one month ago, would want to CONGRATULATE everyone for their dedication and team spirit which led to the success of this project. Good leadership comes from a combination of many things,ability to learn from past mistakes, ability to organize a strong team and much more which our leaders Abbas,Oscar and Steve have shown and KUDOS for that.                                                       Even those who are not leaders but go the extra mile to ensure better coordination  we SALUTE you! Cheers, LILIAN.

On Mon, 04 Apr 2011 04:30 PDT SAMSON MAOSA wrote:

>Indeed, so far we have come, from just a mere suggestions that was made by
>the google team (Christine Moon, Angie Cantelmi, Dennis Gikunda) and the
>Wikimedia team that somewhere in Purshottam Place, that later was put under
>keen consideration by a team led by Abbas, and now it is almost a dream come
>true that Wikimedia Kenya is fast growing and will hopefully be a chapter
>soon. Congrats to all the members, and let us not stop or give up here.
>After South Africa, I believe we are next and that should be enough to
>encourage us increase our efforts at what we are doing.
>> BTW -- this might be slightly off-topic, but I'd thought that I'd let you
>> know that I was informed that we arguably have the *most multi-national
>> chapter mailing list* in the Wikimedia community!!!
>That makes me very proud of Wikimedia Kenya!!! I was even trying  to design
>country-flag templates in Wikimedia Kenya <> and
>that is when I realized that I had to do more than what I expected!!! I mean
>Kenya, Tanzania, India, Israel, Switzerland, Germany... Congrats to us.
>I was so thrilled in Berlin when I was asked to share the secret of
>> how we run our yet to be Chapter. To my amazement,all the Wikimedia
>> Community admired our style and we got a mention to be exemplified by
>> other chapters!:P,
>> it was a great moment..
>We are a World-Class chapter-to-be ;)
>> I would also like to send my condolences to those who couldn't make it like
>> Samson Maosa. I extend my condolences to the Nyeri team whose laptops were
>> virus-infected.
>Thanks Abbas for your condolences.
>Samson Arosi Maosa,
>Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology,
>Bsc. Electronics and Computer Engineering
>*"In this world, everything has been done but suppose we try doing it in a
>different (better) way?"*
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WikimediaKE mailing list

David Mugo,
ICT & E-Commerce Consultant,
Twitter: @raidarmax