good morning everyone.
Thanks Asaf for making such a proposal.i think it will be a good way for our leaders to also get aquinted with other chapters leaders and it will also be a good training ground.
considering that we have 4 eligible contestants,ie alex,abbass,oscar and sam,i think it will be wise if people are given an opportunity to vote.i personally volunteer to conduct the vetting process ensuring a fair and just process to select one individual who will be representing Kenya.
As for Oscar,your not eligible for this as you did not participate in the challenge(which am sure you would have known if you read Asafs email keenly).let us kindly learn to follow instructions.
If there are no objections,the kenya team will be able to vote and come up with the individual's name by next week thursday.
Thanks Asaf for this opportunity and am sure whoever is chosen will do a great job as all this individuals are great people.

On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 8:22 AM, oscar okwero <> wrote:
Hie Asaf
Would be intrested in this definately

--- On Thu, 6/16/11, Alex Wafula <> wrote:

From: Alex Wafula <>
Subject: Re: [Wikimedia Kenya] New Wikipedia Challenge in Africa Date: Thursday, June 16, 2011, 7:38 PM

Hey Asaf,

I'm definately interested in this and if the week is before Wikimania as you mentioned, I can make time for it.

Other participants of the 2009 challenge that I'm acquainted with on this list are Abbas, Oscar and Sam. I'm not sure of their schedules/plans during that week, guys...


On Wed Jun 15th, 2011 6:11 PM PDT Asaf Bartov wrote:

>Hello, everyone.
>Many of you know of the Google-sponsored Wikipedia Swahili Challenge of
>2009.  Google is interested in running another such project, this time
>focused on three languages in South Africa and Botswana -- Setswana,
>isiZulu, and Afrikaans.  As in 2009, there will be prizes, the grand prize
>being attending Wikimania _2012_ (in Washington DC).  The Wikimedia
>Foundation is collaborating with Google to make this happen, trying to learn
>from past experience and improve the competition this time around.
>One such lesson is the need for more intensive training for the
>participants, the vast majority of whom are non-Wikipedians.  To that end,
>the plan is to have concentrated training days in 2-3 universities in South
>Africa and 2-3 universities in Botswana, so about a whole week of training
>days.  I think it makes sense to have one trainer from the Wikipedian
>community in South Africa, for familiarity with (at least some of) the
>languages, and another trainer from among those of you who participated in
>the 2009 Swahili challenge, for your insight on the Challenge itself and on
>the process.
>The timeline is pretty tight -- Google wants to announce the Challenge July
>1st, have the trainings on _the week beginning July 25th_, and open
>submissions August 1st (till October 3rd).
>My question to you -- is any of you interested in delivering this training,
>_and_ is available on that week for an entire week, _and_ is able to travel
>to these countries (passports etc.)?  The travel costs will be covered by
>the Foundation, and accommodation covered by Google.
>Thank you for considering this offer.
>   Asaf
>    Asaf Bartov
>    Wikimedia Foundation

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