hello again,

i am from talking to Sam moments ago, and he just told me that he is unable to go to Southern Africa because: 1) he is too busy preoccupied with campus stuff and 2) he doesnt have a passport.

I will therefore create a new doodle with the remaining candidates (abbas, oscar & alex). If there's anyone else who is willing to withdraw, kindly tell me in advance.

As soon as Sam gets internet access, he will corroborate what I've just said.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused.


On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 12:29 PM, Grace Kariuki <gkariuki99@gmail.com> wrote:

I've created the doodle voting link here: http://www.doodle.com/7kbc2ttq7t3b5a3v. Kindly cast your vote ASAP.
