Greetings Kivuva,

Its so nice to finally "meet". I was among the guys who took part in the Kiswahli Wikipedua Challenge. Together with a coupl of others, we started Wikimedia Kenya with the sole aim of supporting free and educational content especially local on the internet and providing access to Kenyans.

I have no physical plan on how we can approach this but since we have just initiated contact, I believe this is the 1st key step. Maybe we can have a physical meetup with guys from your team and from our team and then brainstorm on some possible areas of synch and cooperation.We have an upcoming Chapters meetup sometime next month at the iHub and if you guys will be around, I would love you to attend and then we pick it from there.I will inform you on the dates soon.

 I would really love to meet with the brains behind this great initiative. I believe we will be of great benefit to each other working as a team in achieving our goals.

You can have a glance of what we are/have been working on here: 

Meanwhile could the Team members of WMKE please share on some of the possible ways we could work with this guys? Just to get the discussion going? Thanks

Look forward to hearing from you.

On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 1:38 PM, Kivuva <> wrote:
Thank you Limoke. Its good to hear that the local chapter of is active and vibrant.

I first heard of this group wayback in 2009 when Mediawiki was
conducting local campaigns to enroll more content writers especially
from public universities. was conceptualised in 2007 with the aim of having local
content written by locals or anybody with a good experience of kenya
and all facets of information and data that can be relevant to the
Kenyan scenario.

Indeed we would love to collaborate with the group and enhance the
Kenyan information presence on the internet. Do you have an idea of
how we should approach it?


On 26/04/2012, Limoke Oscar <> wrote:
> Dear Lordmesh,
> I just dug tis from my archives and thought I could loop you in. So a
> couple of the KWC winners took up the initiative of starting up a Kenyan
> Wikimedia Chapter(  and we got recognition
> from the Wikimedia Foundation as the 2nd chapter in Africa and the 39th
> worldwide. We have been quite an active lot and if you guys are interested,
> we could find a way to work together to increase Local Kenyan Content
> online both in Wikipedia and the
> Please let me know what your thoughts are .
> On Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 4:25 PM, lordmwesh <> wrote:
>> Hi good people,
>> As we wind up the old decade and enter the new decade where information
>> technology will grow more than before, did you know that you can enhance
>> kenya's history by updating, and writing about Kenya on the kenyan wiki
>> kenya.or.KE is a multilingual, web-based, free content encyclopedia
>> project. kenya.or.KE is written collaboratively by volunteers from all
>> around the world. With rare exceptions, its articles can be edited by
>> anyone with access to the Internet, simply by clicking the edit this page
>> link. kenya.or.KE is a wiki (a type of collaborative website) and
>> encyclopedia. www.kenya.or.KE was founded in 2007, with the ami of being
>> the largest reference Web sites about Kenya.
>> is advertisement free and is supported by well wishers, and
>> publishers like you.
>> Create an account and start posting.
>> Regards
>> --
>> | The Kenya we know
> --
> Limoke Oscar
> Board Member- Wikimedia Kenya

Mwendwa Kivuva
Business Development
Transworld Computer Channels
Cel: 0722402248  | Fluent in computing | The Kenya we know

Limoke Oscar
Board Member- Wikimedia Kenya