Hello everyone,

I would like to express my interest in representing Wikimedia Kenya to this year's wikipedia conference in Berlin.I will be posting my Bio in a short while.I hope I will have your support.



On Thu, Feb 2, 2012 at 11:27 AM, BRANTON OBWARI <bruceobwari@gmail.com> wrote:
Just to add up ,for the very first time looks like more people have shown interest to represent WMKE @ a conference if  i may,just  tweak Murfys Law ,such is bound to happen someday given that WMKE is growing ,i therefor would wish to request that we come up with all the metrics that will come to play if  faced with similar circumstances maybe we even document it eligibility,no. of meet ups,duration of membership ,gender parity- if need be,etc etc  ,This will save us the agony and time of planning physical meet ups to iron out such.
    It may not necessarily mean it must be entrenched in our chapters constitution but we can have it some where ,on that note am willing to spare a few minutes and seek members views through some questionnaire on what metrics should come to play should issues of representation arise again .

On Thu, Feb 2, 2012 at 10:58 AM, Limoke Oscar <oslimoke@gmail.com> wrote:

Plus that would show some conversancy with the wiki too other than
having it documented. So all the nominees, please post all your short
Bios  our wiki. I am working on the criteria and staff. So anyone
please feel free to chip in and help out. Here is the link :


On 2/2/12, Abbas Mahmood <abbasjnr@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> Date: Thu, 2 Feb 2012 09:22:33 +0300
>> From: oslimoke@gmail.com
>> To: wikimediake@lists.wikimedia.org
>> Subject: Re: [Wikimedia Kenya] Urgent :Chapters Conference
>> Represenative        inBerlin
>> Alex,
>> > I'd suggest we use the metrics we did last time:
>> >    * Number of meetups attended
>> >    * Duration of contribution to wmke
>> > I think I forgot some :)
>>    *A brief explanation of your contribution to WMKE over the past year
> Perhaps the nominees should write up their personal statements on-wiki, in a
> central place?
>> So am creating the final Doodle poll but I would like to point out
>> that NOT all the people who have shown interest meet the above
>> threshold. We had quite a number of physical meetups last year and am
>> sorry to say I did not see some of you guys in ALL if not MOST of
>> them. Since that is part of the Chapters agreed Criteria. I may LOCK
>> out some participants who DO NOT meet the above threshold.
> +1
>> Finally, We had some discussion as to who is eligible to vote too. So
>> NOT everyone subscribed to this mailing list is eligible. Only persons
>> who show commitment through contribution to discussions and attending
>> meetups will be eligible to vote....Same criteria as last year
> Agreed. Once again, maybe we should create a Wiki for these elections. It
> could include all the criteria, eligibility, names of nominees and their
> personal statements all in one page.
> Regards,Abbas.

Limoke Oscar,

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Sarah Awour Osano