Hi, everyone.

I understand the timing is not ideal for JKUAT students. :(

As I am based in San Francisco, travel to Kenya is quite long and expensive.  Therefore, the timing of my visit is related to my travel Israel for Wikimania, which takes place in early August.  After Wikimania, I will be spending another week or so in Israel, and then fly from Israel to Kenya and back, before flying back to San Francisco.

We are trying to be very conservative with Foundation money, and so, if at all possible, would really like to keep my Kenya trip related to the Israel trip.

Thank you for understanding,


On Sat, Jun 25, 2011 at 11:33 PM, stephen wanjau <wanjaustev@gmail.com> wrote:

I have contemplated about the timing of Asaf's visit and I would like to ask,if possible can it be postponed to early September? Which is two weeks after the current dates.

My reasons being;

* We at JKUAT shall be taking our exams during  the current set visit dates in August.

*I would also like Asaf's visit to coincide with the final day of the WTN competition so that he could also participate in prize giving and precide as guest of honour. This way he will meet all the participants of WTN who shall include non-members too and we shall maximise on his talk.

* We can also register new members after the session.

I presented this to members at wikisaturday and they backed the idea.

Ps - Asaf , Is it possible to reschedule your visit? 

stephen w. wanjau

Phone: +254 771 557 857
B.Sc statistics and computer science.

On Jun 24, 2011 11:32 PM, "Asaf Bartov" <abartov@wikimedia.org> wrote:
> Here's a Wiki page on WMKE's wiki for planning:
> http://wikimedia.or.ke/Visit_of_Asaf_Bartov_from_the_Wikimedia_Foundation<ttp://wikimedia.or.ke/Visit_of_Asaf_Bartov_from_the_Wikimedia_Foundation>

> I'm pretty sure many of those reading this still do not have user accounts
> on the Wiki. If that's you, PLEASE contact me or Abbas and state the
> username you want (your Wikipedia name would be best, if you have one), and
> we'll set you up!
> So yeah, let's take the planning to the wiki.
> Thanks,
> Asaf
> --
> Asaf Bartov
> Wikimedia Foundation

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