Hey everyone -

I thought I'd weigh in here regarding the clubs!

On IRC yesterday a group of us had a really interesting talk about how to work more collaboratively with schools in the context of student run groups. You can see all the notes on the Outreach wiki: http://outreach.wikimedia.org/wiki/2011,_27_April_-_IRC_student_club_conversation

Someone suggested, as Alex did in this email chain, about in some cases simply joining in with similar groups/clubs on campus which already exist.  I think this is a great and really smart idea for a lot of reasons, which I don't think I need to put here. 

Are there like-minded organizations that come to mind for you in Kenya? One international organization which fits really well is Students of Free Culture (http://freeculture.org/), but I don't know if they have locations in Kenya. 

A benefit of a group/club versus a competition is that it is more permanent and consistent: not a one-time affair like a competition. But I agree competitions are really useful tools for recruitment, I am just highlighting the differences.

Best -

On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 9:11 AM, Oliver Stegen <oliver_stegen@sil.org> wrote:

Maybe you want to find out from Maria Alphonse @Dar how they’re running their wikipedia student club. Muddyb tells me it’s been running since last year.


From: wikimediake-bounces@lists.wikimedia.org [mailto:wikimediake-bounces@lists.wikimedia.org] On Behalf Of Limoke Oscar
Sent: 28 April 2011 13:04
To: The discussion list for the upcoming Wikimedia Kenya chapter.

Subject: Re: [Wikimedia Kenya] Wikip/media Student/Campus Clubs


My Idea was since most of our campuses have "free" WiFi connection,we could find a few interested students and share with them the editing in Wikipedia.I am not for the creation of Clubs,just some form of informal association where we can get guys together and do staff together...or get ourselves together from the same campus and do editing together.:P


Although I totally agree with your "code 254 theory".

WikimediaKE mailing list

Jessie Wild
Global Development, Manager
Wikimedia Foundation