Congrats to Isaac and his team. And thanks for bringing them to the limelight:-) I know that Isaac is subscribed to the mailing list, but I do hope that the rest of his team is also subscribed as well -- so that they can all be on the loop.

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Abbas Mahmood
Tel: +254722215101
Skype: abbasjnr
Wikimedia Kenya Member
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> Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2011 05:46:32 -0800
> From:
> To:;
> Subject: [Wikimedia Kenya] Egerton Updates
> Hi guys,
> Sometime back, Isaac a student at Egerton University posted some activities that he and a team of other Egerton students have been doing to create awareness of Wikimedia as well as the schools project in there university. These included distributing the Wikipedia for schools zim file and Kiwix around their region as well as setting up a Wikipedia stand in an Open Day at their campus.
> I feel that the magnitude of the work this team has done hasn't quite been recognized. So far, the Egerton group has been able to visit 6 schools with regards to the schools project as well as represent Wikimedia Kenya during their open day and even had the Minister of higher education visit their stand. They've also received great feedback from the schools they've visited so far which Isaac will make available.
> So I'd like to give a thumbs up to the Egerton team for the awesome work done and acknowledge the presence of active Wikimedians in Nakuru.
> With this said, we should really come up with strategies to support and recognize activities from Wikimedians and new contributors from all over Kenya so as to have a sustinable growth of Wikimedia Kenya.
> cheers,
> Alex
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