Thanks for the feedback Chris. And speaking of time, I then hope there won't be any more impromptu deadlines for nominees to meet. Responses to the Qs coming up later on today.


On Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 8:21 AM, Chris Riwa <> wrote:
Hi Alex and Steve

>>>Snip>>>So we (me and Steve) just got back to the hostel back in Berlin (12:45 am). We have been on tour and a welcome party the whole day and haven't had a chance to see/reply to the questions as per the deadline (6:00 pm) so I'm requesting an extension of this time.
 First I would like to congratulate you guys for representing us in Berlin. I know it is quite demanding for you guys but I on the other hand  it shows the level of your dedication to this Chapter. Since we are also running out of time we'll expect your responses to be up by Today Friday,30th March at 1600Hrs latest (Kenyan time since I understand you are only an hour behind). Any difficulty should be communicated ASAP.

>>>Snip>>>To the electrol team, kindly come up with a schedule (including timelines and milestones) of the whole election process and document them here: so that we can plan ahead of time for such instances. 
I think it is a bit too late for this as the elections are still scheduled for tomorrow as it was planned initially. However, sufficient efforts have been made to notify you guys and everyone on the next activity to be undertaken (Q&A session).

I'd also request to wikify these stuff instead of doing it over emails. I've moved all the Qs I received here and will answer them on the same page:
This has already been catered for and you can post your responses on this page first: then later respond to the individual questions on your individual pages.
For Alex:
For Steve: 
If you make anymore changes and have new documentation, do wikify them instead of doing it over email, it makes follow-ups difficult. Well, these are just my recommendations/thoughts for your consideration.
We will definately let you know in case of any changes.
On behalf of the electoral team,

Chris A. Riwa
Research Specialist and Consultant
Mobile: +254(0)725-930-850
Skype: chriwaustin
Twitter: @chriwaustin

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