Hi, kuddos excellent work.

On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 10:15 AM, Grace Kariuki <gkariuki99@gmail.com> wrote:
hi alex,good work but the focus now is on the launch and its finally here we have no time.did you invite anyone from the i.c.t bord to come?

On Mon, Jan 3, 2011 at 4:52 PM, Alex Wafula <xelawafs@yahoo.com> wrote:
Just got the letter of support writte by Barry Newstead so no need for the application letter; I'll use this instead.


On Mon Jan 3rd, 2011 5:37 AM PST Alex Wafula wrote:

>Hey guys,
>I've spoken to an official from the Ps office in the Ministry of Education and I'll be presenting details regarding the Wikipedia for schools project on Wednesday so that we can get the letters to visit schools. Abbas, I'll draft an application letter and forward it to for ammdendments and approval as the project lead.
>I've also been in contact with the ICT board. Mr. Kukubo, the boards chairman, isn't around. However with assistance from his secretary, I'll be communicating with him via mail for a possible attendance to the anniversary as well as a partnership for future Wikimedia projects and/or the schools project.
>I'll get back to you tommorow regarding this so stay tuned.
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Wangai L. Mwangi,
BSC Geomatics Engineering and Geospatial Information System,