Thanks for the update.


> Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2012 09:13:52 +0300
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Wikimedia Kenya] Saturday Photo Walk
> Steve,
> Thanks for the comprehensive report. And Am glad you put it so in
> detail that whoever missed should feel "kiwaru" :-)...Just too bad you
> did not mention the fact that I sat on that very seat that President
> Roosevelt and the Prince and the Queen sat on :-)
> I am working on a followup email to the head of Internet Information
> that we were given and will loop all you guys in.
> A BIG thank you to all those who found time (Oliver, Alex, Steve,
> Chris and later Morine and Ednah) to this noble cause. Most
> interesting is the fact that we did NOT even have to pay for the
> permit from Kanjo and Police, Oliver was our permit and for that,
> thanks so much Oliver :-)
> Best,
> --
> Limoke Oscar,
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