Hie Asaf
Would be intrested in this definately

--- On Thu, 6/16/11, Alex Wafula <xelawafs@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Alex Wafula <xelawafs@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [Wikimedia Kenya] New Wikipedia Challenge in Africa
To: wikimediake@lists.wikimedia.org
Date: Thursday, June 16, 2011, 7:38 PM

Hey Asaf,

I'm definately interested in this and if the week is before Wikimania as you mentioned, I can make time for it.

Other participants of the 2009 challenge that I'm acquainted with on this list are Abbas, Oscar and Sam. I'm not sure of their schedules/plans during that week, guys...


On Wed Jun 15th, 2011 6:11 PM PDT Asaf Bartov wrote:

>Hello, everyone.
>Many of you know of the Google-sponsored Wikipedia Swahili Challenge of
>2009.  Google is interested in running another such project, this time
>focused on three languages in South Africa and Botswana -- Setswana,
>isiZulu, and Afrikaans.  As in 2009, there will be prizes, the grand prize
>being attending Wikimania _2012_ (in Washington DC).  The Wikimedia
>Foundation is collaborating with Google to make this happen, trying to learn
>from past experience and improve the competition this time around.
>One such lesson is the need for more intensive training for the
>participants, the vast majority of whom are non-Wikipedians.  To that end,
>the plan is to have concentrated training days in 2-3 universities in South
>Africa and 2-3 universities in Botswana, so about a whole week of training
>days.  I think it makes sense to have one trainer from the Wikipedian
>community in South Africa, for familiarity with (at least some of) the
>languages, and another trainer from among those of you who participated in
>the 2009 Swahili challenge, for your insight on the Challenge itself and on
>the process.
>The timeline is pretty tight -- Google wants to announce the Challenge July
>1st, have the trainings on _the week beginning July 25th_, and open
>submissions August 1st (till October 3rd).
>My question to you -- is any of you interested in delivering this training,
>_and_ is available on that week for an entire week, _and_ is able to travel
>to these countries (passports etc.)?  The travel costs will be covered by
>the Foundation, and accommodation covered by Google.
>Thank you for considering this offer.
>   Asaf
>    Asaf Bartov
>    Wikimedia Foundation

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