And someone from WMF is already interested in working with us! See message below.


> Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2012 07:51:03 -0500
> From:
> To:;;
> Subject: Re: [Internal-l] Congratulations to Wikimedia Kenya!

> Abbas Mahmood, Limoke Oscar, and all the other Wikimedia Kenya people --
> welcome and congratulations! I look forward to meeting you at
> Wikimania, as many of you as can come.

> I saw that you are interested in information/communication technology in
> schools, especially offline use of and access to Wikimedia content. I'd
> be happy to work with you on:

> * encouraging Kenyan students to work on MediaWiki and related Wikimedia
> open source projects -- we have some new tutorial texts and videos up at
> * helping technology-minded Kenyan students apply for paid open source
> work via Google Summer of Code, especially on MediaWiki --
> * sharing experiences with the Wikimedia Foundation's mobile/offline
> engineering teams, and with Wikimedia Switzerland (which also sponsors
> Kiwix development) to ensure that Kiwix and mobile access work for you,
> in the educational contexts you've experienced

> (Please feel free to forward my offer to public email lists, blogs, etc.)

> Ahsante sana for all of your work, and best wishes!

> -- 
> Sumana Harihareswara
> Volunteer Development Coordinator
> Wikimedia Foundation