
Its a common issue with marketing companies like this. The event is for 17th January, I think we should delete the page altogether, there's no sense in promoting something this exploitative on the wrong day. 

I recall there were some Wikipedians from Hyderabad, but not sure if thats one of them. Perhaps someone from the chapter might be able to shed more light on this. 

In the mean time, I vote to have the page removed or any other that tries to exploit the ten celebration.


On Wed, Jan 12, 2011 at 1:12 AM, Steven Walling <> wrote:
Hi everyone,

So recently a Hyderabad event got created on, and I've received some email about it. However, if you read the page (,_India) you can see it doesn't quite seem to be run by Wikimedians, and I'm concerned by some of the content, such "Wikipedia, as an ultimate resource for Online Media/Marketing" and the fact that is seems to be run solely by a media company.

Does anyone know the editor who created the page or listed contact? I don't want to promote an event that is less about Wikipedia and your work than some random company.

Steven Walling
Fellow at the Wikimedia Foundation

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