In around 2 and a half hours, the IRC will start at 9:00 pm IST today

The channel will be #cis-a2k at Freenode, may be accessed from any chat client or using the web version: https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#cis-a2k

Please consider joining the discussion. Topics remain the same as mentioned above.

Tito Dutta
Note: If I don't reply to your email in 2 days, please feel free to remind me over email or phone call.

On 17 November 2017 at 02:43, Tito Dutta <trulytito@gmail.com> wrote:

An IRC discussion will be conducted on 24 November 2017 at 9:00 pm Indian Standard Time.

Possible topics of discussions are but not limited to:
a) Community discussion about current events and upcoming events related to Indic Wikimedia projects.
b) Supporting Indian Language Wikipedias Program (https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Supporting_Indian_Language_Wikipedias_Program)
c) Community discussion to each other and questions and answers.

The channel will be #cis-a2k at Freenode, may be accessed from any chat client or using the web version: https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#cis-a2k

Please free to suggest topics.​

Tito Dutta
Note: If I don't reply to your email in 2 days, please feel free to remind me over email or phone call.