
A fence sitter here, and a South Indian.. a mallu to the core.. :)

Mayur, Vibhi and all out there, here I am talking from very much of an outsider perspective.

I would agree to the point that Mayur has made about having an un-intentional  bias which would creep in. Honestly that might happen with any organisation/movement and WM is also not immune to that. Having said that, I am proud to be part of this movement and I would not have stayed here as part of the movement if I noticed something like such a bias anywhere in the activity. And I can say that with much more conviction than most of the volunteers who contributes to wikimedia and threads into this mailing list esp. since as I said at the start of the note that I am a fence sitter. The ones like me would be the one to notice such bias the moment it crops up in the thread or movement.

Sadly, I feel that north-south divide and bias was noticed in the note from Vibhi, and me being fence sitter immediately noticed that and has forced me to write this note...!!! Taking names additionally do not add anything positive to that feeling.

We are one, and we should be one, contributing to each other, and only then this would grow and attain the heights and standards which is there for us to capture.

Let us put it this way, if the Delhi wikipedians feel that there is a need to create a new chapter, and there are enough volunteers to back the proposal, we can go ahead with the proposal and guide it to the logical conclusion.

Just for the sake of having one, there is no point in setting up one. It would only lead to an eventual death and a more painful one for all the volunteers, pan india.

If such a chapter shortens the way for the exponential growth of WM in the country and esp in a metro like Delhi, all of us are game for it. I hope that is what all would be feeling.


On Sun, Jun 5, 2011 at 11:32 PM, mayur <> wrote:
Hi all,
            In reply to above posts i want to make one point clear that I agreed to create a new chapter in Delhi with Vibhijain but that is just a proposal and this will be done if we get atleast 20 Participants. Two options are better than one.As of now we Observed that whole Wikimedia and Chapter Activities are Concentrated towards South India.New Delhi is one of the biggest Educational City of India and it should be our Target.But as most of the Volunteers in India Chapter are from South India so its difficult for them to communicate and make awareness regarding Wiki culture in North India Portion.Wikimedia Delhi Chapter will build and unite a Healthy North Indian Wiki Community.But its doesn't mean that we are different and our goals are different, its just about to shorten your way.Whether the new chapter request is approved or not,I assured you all that we will work Unitedly.

With Regards

On Sun, Jun 5, 2011 at 10:23 PM, Theo10011 <> wrote:
You are not articulating your position quite well here. There already is a national chapter. Sub-national chapters aren't very common.

Can someone else from your supporters speak up? Mayur, are you reading this? I left a message on your page on about his wikimania bid a couple of weeks ago. 

As I recall vibhi, you also applied for the Grant Advisory committee [1] along with several other people, either way, I assure you committee seat is not a criteria for chapter formation.  


On Sun, Jun 5, 2011 at 10:10 PM, Vibhi Jain <> wrote:
Well I have placed the chapter request with a lot of discussion with Mayur, a member of the Grand Advisory Committee. We have the support of many hindi wikipedians including two crats, Mayur and Ashish. And we will soon get the support from more 20 wikipedians. Wikimedia India chapter is mainly Concentrated toward South Indian Languages, New Chapter in New delhi will help make a good community in India. Well Tinu, you are right, you don't need more organisations, but we need. Well, 10-20 people interested are needed for a chapter, lets see, if we gets them, then only we will proceed. 

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