And, just to nitpick:

On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 1:16 AM, Sudhanwa Jogalekar <> wrote:
I don't know why people are so touchy about FOSS.
If I mention "photographer" or "security" or "Media" or "engineer" instead of "FOSS", will the reaction be same?

On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 12:49 AM, Srikanth Ramakrishnan <> wrote:
Can we stop dragging FOSS into every mail unless absolutely necessary?
just to clarify.
- Roads aren't designed with FOSS.

Arguable. The sentence is too imprecise.
- Camera firmware isn't FOSS.

Yes, and cameras have not essentially changed in well over 100 years. They went digital, but all that happened was the recording medium changed. With the simple pinhole, it is perfectly possible to have software driven lensless, infinitely variable depth of field and focus image recording. Find me one commercial model camera that does this, and I can show you dozens of advertising messages that equate good imaging with megapixels. 
- Our brain doesn't have FOSS.

Can we stick to the point? I do not think anybody on this list is actively aware of any programming techniques that work for the brain; the question or proprietary or FOSS doesn't even arise. However, if you want to include alpha wave conditioning (analogue programming) then surely you will not want to also claim that yoga is proprietary?
- Bus ticketing isn't FOSS.

A terrible shame. Bus companies (indeed, all mass transit organisations) are largely stuck in the past, their inefficiency mandates that the purpose of public mass transport is a #fail, either because the service providers cannot earn money doing it, or because individual means of public transportation do not 'talk' to each other, their communication channels being trapped within proprietary silos, leaving the public floundering with the need to carry small change and waste time buying multiple tickets to get from A to B. And the few reasonably successfully integrated public mass transit setups that exist anywhere in the world (eg, London) use proprietary software that does not replicate or scale to other places. 
Well, Mediawiki and whole lot of other things used for Wikipedia related activities are FOSS.
And in general, it is about contributing back to the society so that everybody gets benefitted.  That's what is common in both FOSS as well as Wikimedia.

No offence intended.



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