IEP will be moving things to Simple Wiki I see, I wonder who suggested this, in March - 

Or else, this could be the result of exhaustive internal quantitative, qualitative, esoteric or even Isometric analysis, that was in waiting for a while.

It would have been nice to get some acknowledgement; not to mention the dearth of ideas from staff. I also suggested incorporating the help channel on IRC, contracting editors remotely, and starting with Tier-l cities in India and only established institutions, at some or the other point during the last year. As usual, most of my feedback was ignored.

And then people wonder why I sound angry half the time when talking about these things. 

Anyway, like the two editors who commented on that suggestion, I agree with them more and more now. Writing simple English actually requires a stronger command of the English language than standard, not to mention it doesn't exclude all the requirements of verifiability and copyright violations. Maybe students can copy over entire articles directly from English Wikipedia to simple wiki, and this will happen a lot. What can be hoped for, is that copyvio and errors will go unnoticed for the most part and given simple wiki's small size and tiny community, it is entirely possible they will be unnoticed, and even if they were, it won't generate a strong reaction.


On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 3:38 PM, Nitika Tandon <> wrote:
Hey Everyone,

Just wanted to inform you that we have put up a post about the India Education Program here [1]. Please fell free to initiate, advance or follow the conversation on the same page. 


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